Sending and Receiving E-mail in Script Files

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FileLink is e-mail enabled. E-mail messages are composed and sent within a script using the CREATEMAIL and SENDMAIL script commands. E-mail messages are received using the GETMAIL command.


For FileLink e-mail to work, the PC must have an established network connection. To send e-mail, the PC must have access to an SMTP server. To receive e-mail, the PC must have access to a POP3 server. In both cases, the server name or IP address and any appropriate log on ID and password must be known when the script runs.


These commands work independently of any e-mail client that you may have installed on your PC. When receiving messages, FileLink can simply get the get next message available on the server, or search the subject line of all pending messages for specific value and only get this one message.


Messages received may be viewed and/or saved to a file. Optionally, messages may be left on the server. The subject line of the message is saved in a script variable for additional processing during script execution if necessary.


Listed below are some examples of how e-mail functionality may be utilized in FileLink scripts:


ØSend a message to acknowledge a successful file download (or upload)
ØWait for an e-mail message to be received before initiating a file transfer
ØE-mail a file as soon as it appears in a local folder (or in a server directory)
ØSend an e-mail from anywhere to initiate a file transfer
ØSend an e-mail from anywhere to instruct FileLink to execute a specific script file


Refer to CREATEMAIL, SENDMAIL, and GETMAIL for more details.