SENDMAIL        Send an e-mail message

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[ server ] [ to name ] [ to email ] [ /options ]


[ server ]

Variable or string defining the server URL or IP address (e.g., smtp.mail.server or of a SMTP mail server; the server port is always set to 25


[ to name ]

Variable or string defining the recipient


[ to email ]

Variable or string defining e-mail address recipient



Define optional password to use when logging on to the mail server (omit if not required by the SMTP server)



Define optional user name to use when logging on to the mail server (omit if not required by the SMTP server)



Time-out, in seconds, to wait for message to be sent (if omitted the time-out is set to 30 seconds)



This command sends an e-mail message previously created with the CREATEMAIL command via a SMTP e-mail server. All of the arguments to this command are required, however [ to name ] may be an empty string.


The same message is sent each time SENDMAIL is called unless CREATEMAIL is called again to change the message.


Consider the following example where an e-mail message is created and then sent.


;; create the message

SET from = "Serengeti Sales"

SET email = "[email protected]"

SET subj = "Thanks for your order!"

SET body = "We appreciate your business."

SET attach = ""

CREATEMAIL from email subj body attach

;; send the message

SENDMAIL "" "Joe Blow" "[email protected]"


Consider the following example where authentication is required on the SMTP server.


SET server = "smtp.mail.server"

SET to = "Ray Johnson"

SET email = "[email protected]"

SENDMAIL server to email /user=smtpid /pw=smtppw


Related Command(s): CREATEMAIL, GETMAIL