IBM SNA 3270 and TN3270E Terminal Emulation
3270 Terminal Emulation for PC-to-Host Access
Supported Host Environments
- Host systems:
- Client Version supported links:
- 802.2 (Token Ring or Ethernet)
- X.25
- Channel attached
- other link(s) supported by the server
- Remote Version supported links:
- AutoSync SDLC
- 802.2 (Token Ring or Ethernet)
3270 Emulation Features
- IBM 3278/3279 Model 2, Model 3, Model 4 or Model 5 emulation (SNA Logical Unit type 2)
- IBM 3287 host printer emulation (SNA Logical Unit type 1 or 3)
- Unlimited number of host sessions supported
- IND$FILE (Send/Receive) file transfer
- Extended field attributes
- 122-key keyboard support
Advanced Features
- Remappable keyboard via attractive "drag and drop" interface
- On-screen graphical keyboard map viewer -- never wonder where the ATTN, PA1, etc. keys are again!
- Hotspots to map AID keys to mouse-clickable regions within 3270 screen
- Resizable fonts (allows unlimited number of screen sizes)
- Macro support to memorize repetitive tasks
- EasyKeys for rapid macro playback
- User access controlled via Windows Group Policies (or Policy Editor)
- Supports multiple host configurations on same PC
- Session level diagnostics
Application Integration
Available separately
- OLE Automation
3270Link System Requirements
- Pentium PC (or compatible)
- Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, 2000/2003 Server, or XP
- TN Client Version
- Windows Sockets
- Internet connection
- Client Version with Microsoft Host Integration Server
- Server version 4.0 or later
- Supported link adapter
- Client Version with IBM Communications Server
- IBM Communications Server for Windows NT (v5.0 or later)
- Supported link adapter

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