What People Are Saying About 3270Link...
"3270Link compared well with the other products on the market. We went with Serengeti because they
were super easy to work with."
- Brian W., Mound Information Services, Ltd.
"The feedback from out technical concultants was that your product was comparatively
better than IBM's Personal Communication... I am honoured to have our organisation's name to
promote your product. You can use my comments on your web site."
- S. Hari Krishna Prasanna, CEO, Aviation and Finance Softwares Ltd., India
"We are very pleased with 3270Link's performance."
- Randy Bullard, SunGard Asset Management Systems
"One of the best 3270 emulators I have ever evaluated."
- Rubens Zupelli Filho, Banco BEG S.A., Brazil
"[3270Link was] easy to configure and connect. I had it running in less that 10 minutes."
- Alan Coldiron, RAG Coal International, Germany
"3270Link was easy to install and configure, and its customization features are very helpful."
- Chris M. Caprari, Apple Healthcare
"3270Link seems to be flexible and was easy to teach to the user."
- Jeffrey Ashworth, U.S. Dept. of Energy
"Everything [about 3270Link] was very positive. The interface is good. The configuration is very easy."
- Gonz�lez Aguero Allan Eduardo, grupoice.com, Costa Rica

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