General Features

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ØMulti-threaded 32-bit Windows application
ØPowerful script language for completely unattended operation
ØSupport for popular asynchronous file transfer protocols including Xmodem, Kermit, Ymodem, and Zmodem
ØFileLink Script File Editor (or any other editor) access for script file editing
ØCronMaker utility to easily manage scheduling of script events associated with the CRON script command
ØAuto-dial & auto-answer with Hayes compatible modems
ØDirect connection for modem-less connections
ØUp to 56K bps over dial-up lines; up to 115.2K bps for direct connections
ØSend and receive e-mail messages with SMTP and POP servers under script control
Ø“Hot send” feature for automatic file transmission
ØAutomatic naming of received files
ØTTY Terminal applet for built-in, interactive TTY sessions
ØEmulation of popular TTY terminals like VT100, Wyse, and Televideo
ØBuilt-in PGP encryption, decryption, and keyring management support
ØComplete session log with date and time stamps
ØLog file management including automatic naming, and maximum size limitation
ØMultiple simultaneous sessions from a single system
ØConfigurable for COM1 up to COM9 (for FileLink) or simultaneous use of  COM1 up through COM48 (for FileLink XE)
ØCOM/OLE automation built-in providing a script command interface for user-written applications (sample C++ and Visual Basic projects provided)