
3780Link Features and Requirements
Key Features
- Easy setup and configuration
- Save multiple configuration files
- Phone directory for frequently dialed hosts
- Up to 56K bps over dial-up or leased lines
- Detailed log file with date and time stamps
- Line trace for monitoring and diagnostics
- Real-time session statistics
- Auto-dial with UDS, V.25 bis, SADL, and 'AT' (Hayes) command set
- Auto-answer with most modems
- Up to 48 BSC ports on a single system
Script Language
- Execute scripts from the command line, batch files, parent
processes, or the 3780Link menu
- Supports unattended operation
- "Hot reader" function to send files automatically
- Execute external processes and evaluate results
- Accept commands from a client process
- Command line parameter substitution
- Call scripts from within scripts
- Time activated commands
- Branching and looping commands
- Extensive result codes and error testing
RJE Server Functionality
- Load 3780Link as a 3780 RJE server
- Submit commands to 3780Link from user programs (via Windows
DDE or named-pipes interface on Unix platforms)
3780/2780 BSC Features
- Complete IBM 3780/2780 RJE emulation
- Point-to-point bisync protocol
- Automatic ASCII to EBCDIC translation
- Vertical Forms Control (VFC) recognition
- Device selection support
- Supports half- or full-duplex modems
- Space compression and expansion (3780)
- Space truncation and expansion (2780)
- WACK, RVI, and TTD support
- Transparent text mode support
- Terminal identification support
- CRC-16 error checking
- Easy to configure for BTAM and JES host connections
Enhanced BSC Features
- Receive files to console, printer, or disk
- Binary file mode to send and receive non-text files
- Automatic concatenation of outbound files if desired
- Ability to strip VFC and device selection sequences
- Communication buffers up to 4K bytes
- Configurable ASCII-EBCDIC translation tables
- Configurable inbound record separator recognition
- Optional suppression of outbound record separators
Connection Options
Hayes Optima AutoSync Modem in AutoSync mode (no sync adapter required; most economical option where feasible)
SSI SyncPCI single-port sync adapter (requires synchronous modem from Serengeti Systems or 3rd party)
SSI SmartSync/DCP intelligent 8-port sync adapter (requires synchronous modem for each enabled port; modems available from Serengeti Systems or 3rd party)
Supported Modems
- Most external synchronous auto-dial modems (including Hayes Optima,
U.S. Robotics Courier, Motorola/UDS, Racal-Vadic, Okidata, MultiTech,
Codex, AT&T and IBM)
- Hayes Optima for AutoSync operation
- Most external synchronous modems in manual dial mode
System Requirements
- Pentium or compatible with Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, or Windows Server 2003
- Pentium or compatible with Linux
- IBM RS/6000 with AIX
- Sun Sparc with Solaris

More Info...
3780Link Overview
Data Sheet (PDF)
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Technical Support
First-Time Users Guide
Customer Profiles
What is Bisync?
See a 3780 Terminal