Script Language Features

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ØIntegrated SQL database support
ØIntegrated PGP encryption and decryption support
ØExecute scripts from the command line, batch files, parent process, or menu
ØExecute external processes and evaluate results
ØCommand line parameter substitution
ØCall scripts from within scripts
ØTime activated commands
ØBranching and looping commands
ØExtensive result codes and error testing
ØString variables
ØString and sub-string manipulation
ØCommands for interactive prompting and messaging
ØAccept commands from a remote system via a COM port
ØAccept commands from a client process
ØRemote user name and password authorization
ØWrite messages directly to NT event log
ØComplete session log with date and time stamps
ØLog file management including automatic naming, maximum size limitation
ØCreate or add to zip archive files
ØExtract file(s) from zip archive files